

Gas Strut Services has a strong reputation for re-gassing existing car struts, but also excels in installing struts on vehicles. Whether it’s on an older vehicle, custom build or even your transport trailer, we can find a solution to make your vehicle easier and safer to work on. We offer an end-to-end installation service for our customers in Auckland.

Gas struts are a simple but effective option that require little maintenance and zero power supply. However, installing new struts on cars is particularly challenging and requires careful design to ensure that they fit within the space constraints whilst providing high performance and durability.

Check our regassing page if you have existing struts on your vehicle that need servicing.

vintage car installation

Gas Strut Services’ custom installations are crafted for exceptional performance and good looks. We understand that your car is on show and pride ourselves on quality workmanship and attention to detail. Our struts are available in either black or stainless steel, and brackets are custom made and finished to match your vehicle’s style.

Before considering installing gas struts on your next project there are several factors that guarantee a durable and easy-to-use solution:

  • Strong hinges with minimal play
  • Correctly adjusted latches
  • Adequate clearance around the edges — particularly firewalls
  • Sound bodywork to attach to
  • Well-fitted seals
trailer rear door mount

Information requirements

  • Dimensions
  • Weight of moving elements
  • Open and close angles
  • Photos of the general area
  • Hinge details

Once we have the necessary details we will design an installation geometry and advise the ideal mounting points for your struts. You can either fabricate your own mounting structure or we can custom fabricate some for you. Once the strut is fitted we can then fine-tune the gas pressure to achieve the right balance of easy lifting and secure closing.

It is particularly important on bonnets and boots to understand that fitting struts will most likely change the sit of the hood when closed, so be prepared to adjust the rigging once installed.

Enquiry Form - Automotive

    * We no longer offer mobile re-gassing services for private vehicles; please make an appointment at our workshop or send the strut directly to us at 75 Ellice Road, Glenfield 0629

    * We no longer offer mobile re-gassing services for private vehicles; please make an appointment at our workshop or send the strut directly to us at 75 Ellice Road, Glenfield 0629